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Dissertation Panic (Already)

By 09:00 ,

These are some of my notes from A-Levels - I miss those days!

Good morning! So this may seem like an odd post from me but my 3rd year at university is in full swing and it’s quite nerve wracking already. This week I’ve decided on my dissertation topic and after changing my mind three times I am finally happy with my topic.

I just wanted to write a little post to let you all know that basically I am writing my dissertation this year and so it’s going to take up a lot of my time and will be a pririoty over my blog. As much as I will still commit myself to my blog, if I miss a post here and there then it will be because of my dissertation. But fear not (don’t worry, I’m sure no one will notice!!) I shall still be posting frequently and by that I mean a few times a week.

If you have completed your dissertation in the past or simply have any words of wisdom for a stressful time please share them with me as I’m panicking a little!!

I hope you’re all having a fantastic week!

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