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Garnier Express 2 In 1 Eye Make Up Remover | Review

By 08:00 , , , , , , , , ,

I purchased this a few weeks after reading a fair amount of reviews on it and most people seemed to love it so I thought I'd give it a go. Previously I've not really used a specific eye make up remover however, I know I will definitely be repurchasing this one next week. In all honesty, I was attracted to this product to begin with because you shake it up and it reminds me of mouthwashes I always used to shake up when I was in Boots haha!

You only need a few drops of this (I mean only a few drops) on a cotton pad, hold it on your eyes for about 15-20 seconds and then wipe your eye make up away. This removes the most stubborn waterproof mascara from my lashes without pulling any of my lashes out in the process, yay! I've also had no problem with irritation and this is quite surprising for me considering I have sensitive eyes due to daily contact lenses and just generally sensitive eyes.

The only 'negative' thing I have to say about this is that I find it does leave an oily residue for about a minute after I've used it, which is something it claims it doesn't do. However, it disappears very quickly and isn't a real issue.

P.S. This is also on offer at Boots for only £2.33 at the moment!

Have you tried any amazing drugstore make up removers you'd recommend to me?

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