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Soap and Glory Lidstuff Quad - What's Nude | Review

By 17:56 , , , , , , , , ,

I'd seen a lot of people talking about how much they love the Soap and Glory Lidstuff Eyeshadow in What's Nude so I thought I'd try it since I only really wear neutral eyeshadows. It's £10 from Boots but there's usually offers on for make up since it's almost Christmas.  

Three out of the four shadows are matte, which I personally prefer but it is nice to have a shimmer eyeshadow in there too. Recently I've been applying my ELF Eyelid Primer first and then Pink T all over the lid and Mudhoney in the outer crease. It just makes my eyes look a little brighter and nicer.

The swatches above are done without using a primer, and they're still really pigmented. So with a primer, they look even better. However I would say the top two shades (Vanilla and Pink T) are very slightly chalky, but that's the only 'downside' of these shadows. I wouldn't stop wearing them because of this, and it is barely noticeable, but it's something that might really bother others.

The packaging is very simple, but doesn't look cheap. It's easy for travelling since it's compact which means taking one palette that can create a few looks, rather than four separate eyeshadows.

What are your favourite neutral eyeshadows?

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