Last 4 Photos On My iPhone
I was reading Georgie's blog the other day and I came across her post which was about the last 4 photos on her iPhone (read here) and I really wanted to do the same myself. So here are my last 4 photos on my iPhone, and of course go and check out Georgie's blog too since I completely stole this idea from her!
I was walking to the pub the other evening and the sky looked so pretty that I just had to take a photo. Sometimes I forget how beautiful the world can be if I just look around me (deep input from me there).
Who doesn't love a good posey selfie?! I was off to the pub and I really liked my makeup that day so there we go, an 'excuse' for my selfie haha!
New nails
I painted my nails the other day and I love them and I have a blog post coming up on them tomorrow so keep an eye out for that.
Finding independent local coffee shops is always pleasant, especially when it's such a beautiful place with real coffee. Don't get me wrong I do love Starbucks and Costa, but it won't ever beat 'proper' coffee in a beautiful coffee shop.
Finding independent local coffee shops is always pleasant, especially when it's such a beautiful place with real coffee. Don't get me wrong I do love Starbucks and Costa, but it won't ever beat 'proper' coffee in a beautiful coffee shop.
Do you take photos of everything like I do?!