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Beauty Blogging On A Budget | Advice

By 09:30 , ,

I'm sure all you know that blogging can become quite expensive as you're reading a lot of blogs and lusting over tonnes of products that you've seen other people blog about. The odd purchase here and there won't break the bank but it does all add up, so I have few tips for those of you who are blogging on a budget. As I'm a student my main priorities in relation to my money is paying rent, bills, food and of course nights out but I do still like to treat myself.

Plan Your Monthly Budget | It can be a daunting task at first, but once you get the hang of it it really does make a difference. You'll then be able to see how much disposable income you have left after spending it on all the necessities.

Shop Around For Offers | I rarely buy products now unless they're on offer. Boots and Superdrug almost always have some kind of offer on their beauty products, whether it's 3 for 2 or a 1/3 off products and this is the best time to buy.

Loyalty Cards | I love my Boots card in particular as I'm part of their contact lens scheme so I get points monthly anyway. However, I popped into Boots today for my Mum and she managed to buy everything she needed with her points which is brilliant. Points cards are really worth having and they're so easy to sign up to.

NUS Card | This one is specifically for students and those of you who have an NUS card. In Superdrug if you present your NUS card at the till you'll receive 10% off your purchases which is great.

Shop Your Stash | Before you buy new makeup see what you already have in your stash and whether you already have a backup without realising. At uni I have a whole drawer of make up that I'm yet to open and most of the products are mascara, so for now I'm not buying any mascara until I've used all the ones I've got.

Only Buy What You Need | It's easy to see other bloggers talking about the new products that are coming out and want to buy all of them, trust me I've been there. However, if it's a product that won't suit you or you don't really need it, then put it back on the shelf and spend your money elsewhere.

Do you have any tips for blogging on a budget? If so, I'd love to hear them so comment below!

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