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R.I.P Lucky | Very Sad Day

By 09:00

Tuesday was one of the saddest days this year. I am heartbroken. My cat who we rescued 14.5 years ago passed away in my arms and it still doesn't seem real. She was about a year old when we rescued her from the RSPCA after she'd had a not so pleasant kitten life and I am so glad we got her. She's been in my life since I was 5 and I'll always remember her. I've been lucky to have her in my life this long, but it still doesn't make it any easier. 

I've featured Lucky in my Furry Friends Tag here in July and she was healthy then, and she was up until Tuesday morning when she had a seizure in the garden. I'm making a scrapbook of all my favourite photos of her and it's getting easier as time goes on but it's still heartbreaking. I know a few of you may be thinking 'it's only a cat' but I am a self confessed crazy cat lady and love my cats like nothing else. I even used to regularly FaceTime my cats whilst I was at uni as I missed them so much. If you know me in person you'll know how obsessed I am as I will always find a way to bring my cats into conversation, oops! 

Sleep well Lucky, I'll never forget you. 

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