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Making The Most Of Your Makeup

By 09:30 ,

I was thinking about how much money I spend on makeup and beauty products but sometimes I don't finish them fully before throwing them out. My Mum told me about this tip a little while ago to get the most out of my products, so I thought I'd share it with you today.

It's super simple, all you need is a little travel pot and a product in a tube that you think you've finished. 
1) All you do is squeeze as much out of the product as you can into the little pot. 
2) Next of all you'll need to cut the product in half and then you will see that there's still so much product left in the middle and on the sides. I used a spoon to make sure I got out all the concealer out but you can use your fingers if you prefer.

I've found that once you cut the tube open there's so much more product in there that would have ended up in the bin previously. I do this with so many products now including; shampoo bottles, face washes, primer, concealer and some foundations.

Have you ever tried this technique?

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