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University Preparation Tips | University Series

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I'm really enjoying my University series and I hope you are too! Today's post is about university preparation tips, as always these are just what I've found helpful for me and are based on my own experience and I'll soon be going into my 2nd year!

1. Find a Facebook group for your university and join the freshers one, I'm sure a lot of you have already done this or will do this as soon as your results come out, but it's so helpful to join these groups! A lot of the posts are asking what halls everyone's in, what course everyone is doing and there may even be a separate one for your halls so try finding and joining that too.

2. Find a supplies checklist on your university's website. Some university's advise you not to bring stationery for example as they know you'll be given a lot of freebies at the fresher's fair, so finding out what your uni provides in your halls and rooms is vital so you don't waste money.

3. Talk to your flatmates and get to know them whilst doing this you can also figure out if there's any communal items you can all bring, for example a toaster.

4. Find out which freshers events are best by speaking to older students. They'll be able to tell you which freshers tickets to buy and which are the best nights and which are the clubs to avoid.

5. Don't buy expensive cutlery, okay this seems a little odd but trust me it will go missing! I'd suggest going to Poundland and buy it there, it does the same job.

6. Don't take your entire bedroom with you as tempting as it is, you won't have room. I made this mistake and my room was far too cramped and messy but take what you really need and some decorations and photos from home too.

7. Enjoy yourself and don't panic too much. You'll have the time of your life, embrace it!

Does anyone else have any tips they'd like to share?

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