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52 Weeks Project | Weeks 1 & 2

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Last year I decided to do the 52 Weeks Project and I really enjoyed doing it so I thought I'd do it again this year. It lets me document my week but also keeps my motivated to blog. I'm a little late posting these so I thought I'd combine the two. The first week of January was my last few days at home and so I had a coffee with my best friend before we said goodbye. She lives with one of my other best friends in Nottingham so I can't visit them during term time as it's a 5 hour train journey costing £75, even with a rail card!


This past week I've moved back to uni and it's been so nice to see my best friends again. Unfortunately I had a 48 hour bug which has resulted in a lack of blogging. However, before I was poorly my parents took me for a meal and I had the most amazing desert. I'm loving being back at uni despite 4 deadlines in a week but then I have no more deadlines until April.

How is 2015 treating you so far?

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