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Revlon photoready or Revlon colour stay?

By 13:52 , ,

I need to buy a new foundation but as i've never tried revlon photoready or revlon colour stay i have no idea which one to get?!

The reviews on the colour stay seem to say it has better coverage however...

the revlon photoready is meant to last for hours! So i'm completely unsure on what one to buy, they both cost the same, so please can someone help me on what to buy?!

I've got combination skin if thats any help? 

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  1. i have colourstay and it really stays all day until you take it off ! i have trouble with foundation wearing off my chin and this one is fab ! not tried the other tho ! follow me and let me know how you get on <3<3


  2. Hello :) , I've only used colourstay , it was ok - I found it went on and felt really heavy and caked on my face, I also have sensitive skin eczema etc I think it set it off , I'd still like to try photo ready though, I'm make up obsessed and love trying new products!

    Love the blog!


  3. I like them both but Colorstay definitely wins it for me! xxx

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  5. I have both :) The colour stay is really good coverage (its like putting on paint.. smells like paint too come to think of it)and is a really good dupe for macs studio fix, but its a bit heavy for me to use everyday personally so I save it for nights out.
    The photo ready is good but much less coverage and better for everyday use I think as it looks nice and fresh, also its got a tiny bit of sparkle in it (hardly noticeable). So I reckon it depends what you want it for really.. Xx
    ^ Woah, essay

  6. Heyy I actually love both! I dont think you can go wrong with either but i love the photoready a bit more!<3
