Products I Love Again #1
Whenever I buy a new product that I like I will go through a phase of using it every day but after a while I end up forgetting about it and just adding it to my make up collection. I'm trying to stop doing this and so I may try and do these posts regularly. It's just going to involve me showing you a few products I love again after not using them for a while.
| 1) L'Oreal Lumi Magique Pure Light Primer | £9.99
I did a review on this a few months back, and I loved it when I started using it but I sort of forgot about it for a few months. I am so glad I've found this again, I have fallen in love with it again! It's a beautiful illuminating primer which I am currently just applying it to my cheek bones, under my foundation and it gives me a subtle but pretty glow.
| 2) Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum ~ 51 Vanille Clair | £10.99
I do still love this foundation, and I've never had any problems with it! I even did a review of it just over a month ago, however when I bought the MUA Undress Your Skin Illuminating Foundation I also really liked that so I abandoned my Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum. I find this gives me a medium coverage and lasts for the majority of my day without any problems with it making my skin looking oily. It has a pleasant (and subtle) scent to it before you apply it, but once it's been applied you cannot smell anything!
| 3) MAC Semi Precious Highlighter ~ Crystal Pink | £14.50
I bought this from a discount make up store in October last year and I thought it was so beautiful, but like the other products since then I just started using different products. I've been using the highlighter in this (the outer circle) and it is the most gorgeous highlight and I wish I'd kept using it! It's build-able if you want a more obvious shimmer to your cheeks, or it can be subtle. If you can find this in a discount store or online, I'd recommend trying it!
| 4) ELF Mineral Eye Brightener | £3.50
I don't think I've mentioned this on my blog before, but I bought it a couple of months ago and used it for about a week and gave up on it. The only reason I gave up on it was because I am quite lazy in the mornings and using another product on my face was time consuming! However, I've been using this again for about a week and I love it once again. It makes my concealer stay longer and sets it. The only 'downside' to this is that it makes a complete mess, but it is a mineral product which means it won't be the tidiest product so I shouldn't really complain!
Does anyone else forget about products after a couple of weeks?!