Realistic 2017 Goals
Realistic 2017 goals, let's go.
1) Learn to drive | I've been on a waiting list with two different instructors since August, but I'm still yet to have my first lesson. So it's onto instructor number 3, and I want to learn to drive this year.
2) Lose a few more lbs | I've been on and off following Slimming World for about a year and a half. It works well for me, when I stick to it! I've had a gain over Christmas, and I want to lose those few last lbs to enable myself to feel comfortable again.
3) Travel more | This one is rather cliche, and not the easiest to achieve, but even if it's travelling in England, I want to travel more.
4) Document my life more | I mean this in a personal way, keeping a diary, documenting my feelings, thoughts, day to day happinesses.
Here's to a positive and prosperous 2017 and I hope everyone has had a great start to the year so far.