L'Oreal Infallible 24H-Matte Foundation | Review
I purchased this foundation a little while back and I've been meaning to write a post about it but I never got round to it until now. There are 6 shades in the range and 10 Porcelain is almost the perfect match for me, it's just a tad dark but bare in mind I am NW10-13.
I love this foundation because it's so easy to blend, the packaging means I can use this method to ensure I get all of the product out of the tube. It's also so affordable at only £7.99 which I think is a really reasonable price for this foundation. I usually use this along with the Infallible Mattifying Primer and as they are from the same line they work so well together. I'll be posting a review of the primer later this week so keep a look out for that.
The foundation itself has build-able coverage but it doesn't look cakey and it does make my skin look matte, but without looking flat and 2D. It also doesn't cling to any of my dry patches which tends to happen with some other mattifying foundations.
Overall I am really impressed with this foundation and it's a firm favourite of mine at the moment, so I'd recommend having a look at it when you're next by a L'Oreal stand.
What foundations do you love from the drugstore?