Why I Love Blogging
I started this blog in 2011 and I rarely blogged to begin with, I mainly commented on other peoples blogs. However, one day I decided to start blogging 'properly' as it were, and I still love it. Yes it can be a little tricky sometimes thinking of new ideas, finding the time, getting the perfect pictures but it's a great hobby. Here are a few things I love about blogging
1. Finding and reading other blogs.
I love reading other blogs and I also love finding new blogs who inspire me. Whenever I'm stuck as to what I should post I just spend a while reading blogs and I'll feel inspired again.
2. I can do it in my pjs and no one will know.
Okay, so now you know but I love that I can do it from bed wrapped up in my pjs and with a cup of coffee. I do love watching YouTube videos but there's just no way I could ever do them myself!
3. The support from others.
I'm left so many lovely comments on my posts and they always make me smile. I also love that I see a lot of the same people regularly commenting which makes me feel like you guys are my friends too.
4. I love make up.
This may seem a little obvious, but scrolling through Bloglovin and seeing 100+ beauty posts just brings joy.
5. I've learnt a lot.
Finally, I've learnt so much from blogging. I've learnt how to improve my photography, how to edit my photos in a better way and I've learnt so many beauty tips from others.
Why do you love blogging?