I've Graduated & I Have A Job! | Update
A few weeks ago I graduated from university with a 2.1 in Psychology BSc (Hons) and I had the most wonderful day, I really do wish I could go back and re-live the day. My brother also surprised me by turning up (after telling me he couldn't get the time off work) and that made me cry, and it just made the day even better. It was a lovely sunny day, which is rare in the UK, and I didn't fall over on stage - success!! I've had the best three years at uni, and although I'm sad it's over I'm so glad that I didn't give in and I continued despite some difficult times, I did it.
My family and I then went out for a meal after the graduation ceremony and my parents surprised me with 3 Pandora charms and a safety chain as presents for my graduation which was so unexpected and kind of them.
I honestly had the most amazing day and I wore heels all day without falling over, big achievement for me over here haha!
I honestly had the most amazing day and I wore heels all day without falling over, big achievement for me over here haha!
I also now have a job and will be working full time by the time this post is published. At the moment I've had a few weeks holiday off which were already pre-planned, and then I'll be a working woman. I'm working in a pharmacy, as a counter assistant which is the same role I had at 16 when I was working as a Saturday girl. I'm really enjoying working so far, although I definitely need to invest in some 'real' work shoes from Clarks as my feet are blistered to high heaven. Anyway, basically I now have a job and will no longer be a poor graduate with 67p in my account.