Garnier Summer Body Moisturising Lotion | Review
We're now in July and for once England is having nice weather (at least whilst I'm writing up this post we do!) which means skirts, dressers, shorts basically our legs are on show more! I'm a pale girl, I mean I'll walk into Boots to buy a foundation, concealer or powder and automatically look at the palest shade in the collection and see if it's pale enough, so fake tanning for me is a must! Everyone knows how damaging sun beds are and I couldn't ever bring myself to go into one due to the small space, so faking it is best!
I bought the Garnier Summer Body Moisturising Lotion whilst it was on offer at Boots, however it's only £5.10 which is still a reasonable price. I've tried other gradual moisturisers in the past and this is by far my favourite I've tried. I simply exfoliate and moisturise before applying, however you can apply this without moisturising as it is a moisturising lotion! I apply this at night and when I wake up I look like I've been abroad but I've really just been asleep. This sinks in very quickly, within 5 minutes which is amazing because we all have things to do and walking around naked for 30 minutes not being able to do much is hassle!
We all know that fake tan typically has that biscuit smell, but with this one I find it's not as offensive because it has extracts of Apricot which is a refreshing scent. I also haven't had any problems with streaks after applying this as I just use a fake tanning mitt and I avoid orange hands!
Overall, I love this product and it's my go to fake tanning product this summer.
What's your favourite method for tanning? Do you prefer a real tan or faking it?