The Big Chop
On the 2nd January it was finally time for me to get my hair cut and as you can see from the photo above it was very much needed! My hair went past my belly button and it wasn't in great condition, however I really didn't expect it to be cut as short as it was. I asked for the length to be just below my boobs but instead the hairdresser cut it way shorter than that and at first I really wasn't happy, but now I'm learning to love it.
Sorry for the selfie as apposed to a 'proper' photo!
I realise it may all sound a little silly as it's only hair but I've not had my hair this short since I was about 6! It feels so much healthier and thicker so I am glad it's been done, although its still a bit of a shock.
I also want to apologise for not blogging much recently. I've moved back to uni for a new term and I had a 48 hour bug and then 2 deadlines in the past week so it's all been a bit hectic!