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Summer Clothes Haul | Missguided

By 09:00 , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I was browsing online for some new summer clothes and I ended up loving a lot of things on Missguided and I also got 10% off because of student discount. I love how cheap Missguided clothes are and I got free next day delivery for spending over £40 which is even better! 
I find the sizing for Misguided to be spot on and I don't have to size up or down which makes life easier, as you know to just go for your normal size. 
I really would recommend looking at their website if you're looking for a few new items in your wardrobe this summer.

P.S. I also never realised how hard it is to photograph clothes, so this is the best I could do with awkward lighting!

Have you bought any new summer clothes recently? 

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