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Big Maybelline Makeup Haul

By 09:00 , , ,

A few weeks ago Superdrug had a 2 for £10 Maybelline offer on which I took full advantage of and treated myself to a lot of new products, so I thought I'd share them with you. I will have full reviews of these coming up soon so look out for those.

I will have reviews of all of these products on my blog in the next couple of weeks so look out for those if you're thinking of buying a particular product. So far my favourites are the Colour Drama Lipsticks, I have the shades Minimalist and Berry Much, the Eraser Eye Concealer and finally the Flawless Nude Foundation. 

Have you tried any of these products?

p.s. I've now made a new instagram account for all things beauty. I just wanted it separate from my personal one, you can view my profile here and follow me if you want to!

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