Christmas At Home | Back From Uni
I've finally come back home home for Christmas and I have a few weeks off uni, and in all honestly even though I love uni, I'm loving being home. Anyway I haven't been posting very much but hopefully next semester I'll get into a routine!
My parents waited until I was home before we put the Christmas tree up and now I'm getting excited for Christmas.
Sadly we don't buy a real Christmas tree anymore because my kitten thinks it's fun to jump onto it and all the needles end up all over the living room! I still love having a Christmas tree up anyway.
Getting in the Christmas spirit with a festive hat and a few little decorations around my room.
Also since I've been home I went to Oxford to do some Christmas shopping, which resulted in me buying myself a few things and not getting much Christmas shopping done for anyone else! It was obviously very busy but it was still nice to visit Oxford again.
Are you prepared for Christmas or are you rushing around like me?