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Excited For Autumn | Reasons Why

By 09:00 , , , , ,

As much as I love summer, part of me is glad that Autumn is here. Today has been typical Autumn weather for England, a lot of rain and quite cold. Luckily I've been able to spend my day wrapped up in my duvet watching films and drinking coffee, a good Monday if you ask me. Here are a few of the reason as to why I love Autumn...

1) Warm and cosy clothes
I absolutely love wearing scarves and coats and just wrapping up warm and feeling cosy. I can't wait to invest in some new Autumn and Winter clothes this year, I've got my eye on a few things already which I've mentioned in a blogpost here.

2) Lots and lots of hot drinks
I love going into Costa and seeing the seasonal menu and enjoying a salted caramel latte which is my favourite seasonal hot drink.

3. The change in nature and weather
I love seeing the trees change and the leaves crunching below my feet. Although the amount of rain we get in England can be a little annoying at times, but it just means putting on an extra layer and wearing boots and carrying an umbrella at all times!

4. Darker lipsticks and nail polish
I don't wear lipstick everyday a lot of the time because I'm worried about it sliding down my face if we have an unexpected heatwave like we do sometimes in summer, so when I can wear a deeper toned lipstick, I love it. I'm not that adventurous with my make up but I think a bold lip and a little bit of mascara can really make a difference.

Are you excited for Autumn? What's your favourite thing about Autumn?

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