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Rediscovered Beauty Products #1

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At the beginning of the month I blogged about how I was sorting through my make up bags and realised that I have far too much make up that I forget about. So I've decided to start a series on my blog called rediscovered beauty products which I'll be doing regularly. It'll include me talking about the beauty products I had forgotten about but have recently rediscovered!

1. Bourjois Health Mix Serum Foundation | £8
I can't find this on the Boots website anymore but it's available on Amazon here. I've previously reviewed this product earlier on this year here but I just forgot about it once I bought a new foundation. However, after using this I remembered why I loved it. It has a lovely scent, easy to blend and gives a good coverage.

2. Soap and Glory Kick Ass Concealer | £10
Although I like the actual concealer in this kit, I've been using the setting powder most. It just increases the longevity of my concealer and makes sure I don't look oily during the day. I've also reviewed this concealer here.

3. Accessorize Baked Blush in Scandal | £5
This was the first ever baked blush I bought and I loved it and used it everyday for months, but as usual I ended up switching it up with a new product and putting it to the back of my collection. I found it again the other day and remembered how beautiful it looked on my skin. It gives a lovely highlight as well, which saves time in the morning! As with some of the other products this specific shade isn't available anymore, however this blush looks similar and is also an Accessorize Baked Blush.

4. Benefit High Beam | £19.50 (full size)
I've never actually seen a negative review of this highlighter and I adore it. I usually gravitate towards it during the summer months because it just looks beautiful on the skin. I've done a full review of this highlighter here.

Have you rediscovered any beauty products lately?

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