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Boots Beauty Haul and Boots Botanics Products

By 18:31 , , , , , , , , ,

So today on my lunch break I accidentally (on purpose) ended up in Boots and I took advantage of their 3 for 2 offer on cosmetics and the half price offer on selected products from their Botanics range.

I'll start off with the make up bits I picked up. Like I've already said it's on 3 for 2 and so I obviously had to take advantage of that, I couldn't just buy one thing could I?!

I've been wanting to try a BB Cream for a while now, but my skin has always been quite bad so I always wore full coverage however since my skin has got slightly better recently I thought I'd purchase one! First of all I spotted the Maybelline Dream Fresh BB Cream which was £7.99 and was the most expensive out of my make up purchases. I did a quick swatch and compared it to the 17 BB Cream which was only £6.99 (only £1 difference but I'm saving for my holiday in summer so every little helps!) and the 17 BB Cream seemed a lot darker so I went for the Maybelline BB Cream. I'm super excited to try this since today it has been Spring weather and it's not snowed! Of course I bought this in the lightest shade 'Light'.

 Next I re-purchased my favourite concealer, Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer for £4.19. I think this is the third time I've bought this concealer now and for me that's quite a big thing since I never usually re-purchase products! I bought this in 'Fair 1' and it matches my skin almost perfectly.

This is another re-purchase for me since I'm running out of my Soap and Glory Thick and Fast Mascara. This Collection Supersize Mascara is a bargain at only £2.99 and I got it in 'Ultra Black'. I love to just chuck this in my make up and bag and know I can make my eyes look more awake and my lashes look better at such a cheap price as well.

 Now onto the items I bought from the Botanics range. I've never actually tried any of the Botanics products before but since selected items were 1/2 price I thought I had to take advantage of this!

I had seen Emma (Roselovelybones) mention this in one of her videos, and I wanted to try it out so I checked online and couldn't find it, however it was there right at the bottom of the shelf in my Boots. It's at an introductory price of £5.99 until the 17th April and then it will be £8.99 so if you're interested in trying it out I'd suggest you buy it whilst it's cheaper! Anyway, I know it might seem a bit silly to buy two BB Creams in one go, but I couldn't resist! I also got this in 'Light' and I'll do a review of this in a few weeks time.

 Finally I bought the Botanics All Bright Purifying Face Scrub which was on offer for £2.69 (usually £3.99) and I only bought this because it's on offer. I've not read any reviews about this specifically but I've heard the  Botanics range is meant to be really good, so I'm going to give it a go!

Have you taken advantage of the 3 for 2 offer on at Boots at the moment?

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