Boots, Superdrug and Soap and Glory cosmetics haul
So for christmas and birthday i got a lot of boots vouchers and for my birthday i got given a £15 superdrug voucher, so when i went shopping i thought i would spend them now because i usually forget about them!
so here's better pictures of what i got from boots...
i haven't seen many reviews or videos about this, but for only £4.99 (on offer) i thought i would try it out. it claims to be a miracle matte foundation, so i'll see what happens when i use it!
Blush is my favourite type of beauty product and so i always want to try new ones! i already have one 17 blush pot but i thought i'd try a different shade. last time i got 'china pink' but now i bought 'plum puff' which is an absolutely gorgeous colour!
Now onto superdrug...
2true were having '3 for £4.99' so i thought i'd try out a few things
first is this plain black eyeliner, which i just did a swatch of because the packaging is nothing fancy
next i got this beautiful lipstick, it's actually got a really good formulation!
last but not least i got this foundation, sorry about the awful photo, i will try and upload a better one soon.
Sleek's contour and highlight kit has been raved about on blogs and youtube for ages, but usually my superdrug doesnt have the 'light' shade in stock, but when i went on friday it did so i was so excited to pick it up.
the packaging looks beautiful as always with Sleek!
Finally the last item i bought from Superdrug was an eye shadow quad. I've been searching for the perfect neutral eyeshadows for a while now as i don't like wearing more out there colours on my eyes. I think this may be the quad i need!
Some of you may know that in this month's Elle magazine you can get a free soap and glory mascara, which i thought was amazing! I obviously had to go and buy it, for only £3.90 you get the magazine (obviously) and a £10 mascara!
There's not much i can say about this mascara since i haven't yet tried it as i'm using about 5 mascaras already at the moment and i don't want this to get dried up, but i will do a review once i've tried it!
Hope everyone's okay xx